Mardiansyah Putra
Mardi has extensive exposure in marketing, brand and product management, business development and growth, CRM, omnichannel and big data deep dive resulting in consumer insight through his 12 years of professional experiences.
Currently, Mardi also driving the TADA business into SEA Market such as Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippine.
(10/6/2020) Wednesday
Retaining Customer Seamlessly to Increase Sales for an Omnichannel Business
Mardiansyah Putra, Head of Growth Consultant & International, TADA
Companies need to identify their customers accurately even when they shop from various different offline/online channels. Customer data and touchpoints are more important than transactional data for developing strategies that affect business outcomes. In this session, you would learn about the importance of collecting data in the omnichannel business to give customers a reason to be loyal, increase retention rate, customer lifetime value and ROI.